Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Car Insurance on Rentals

When it comes to car insurance, there are a couple of traps you can fall into. The contracts are complicated and extremely difficult to understand, and that’s if you even have the time to read them. The fact is that most people don’t read insurance contracts and there is a significant information shortage when it comes to consumers and the contents of their own insurance contracts. 

One of the problems with this information gap is that it can lead to wasted money. Every time you rent a car you are asked what kind of insurance you would like. The options are generally to take none, which costs nothing, or you could cover liability insurance, which should cost about $10 per day. Then you have a variety of options to cover the rental cat itself, prices for which vary from company to company and state to state. The full coverage option, which includes liability, passengers, and the rental car usually, comes to about $25 to $30 a day. Most people genuinely don’t know what option they should be taking. 


Liability insurance is the only insurance you are required by law to take out. All the others are optional. That’s the first and most important thing to remember when you’re at the rental desk, and the total price for your two-week vacation car is quickly adding up and up. The other thing to know is that in many cases, you will be covered, to some extent by your existing car insurance. You will have to check your insurance policy to make certain, but for the vast majority of drivers, they will have liability insurance by virtue of their own car insurance, and this will carry over to the rental car. 

It is however, unlikely that full or comprehensive coverage will carry over from your own car insurance. This is because comprehensive insurance is calculated based on the value of your car. Insurers don’t want to be in a position where they set your policy based on your say, $15,000 vehicle, and then have to pay out when you crash a $40,000 rental. So your policy will state that only liability insurance is provided when you rent. 

Credit Card Cover

You may still require no insurance from the rental company however. This is because many credit card companies, including both visa and MasterCard, offer this insurance if you pay for the rental with one of their cards. This is a major benefit of using a credit card and should not be wasted. Again you should check with your credit card provider what they cover, but the bottom line is, if your own insurance covers liability, and your credit card covers the rental car, why pay a couple of hundred dollars for extra insurance when you’re already covered? 

If you are in doubt as to your insurance, it is wise however to take the rental company’s policy, especially liability.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Car Insurance Online Purchase - Some Benefits Of The Internet

Is it possible to purchase car insurance online? Most folks are used to purchasing their car insurance by leafing through a telephone book and calling local insurance agencies. When you call a local agency they usually request a copy of your current coverage in order to give you an accurate comparison as well as advice . This same process can happen with online quoting as well. The online quoting system will require you to post all pertinent insurance information to give you an accurate quote. You do more of the work but you are better informed when you complete the process.

Car Insurance Information Needed for Online Quoting 
  1. Expiration Date – The expiration date is critical because it proves that your insurance has not expired and that will qualify you for a preferred rate with most companies. If your insurance has expired then you may be underwritten into a substandard carrier and those rates are higher.
  2. Driver Information – All resident relatives that have a driver’s license need to be rated on the policy. You will need to enter the name, date of birth, and driver’s license number. 
  3. Driving Record – Accidents and violations need to be disclosed to pre-qualify you for the insurance. This needs to be accurate because insurance companies will find out about your driving record anyway. They check motor vehicle reports from your state as well as your prior carrier.
  4. Vehicle Information – You will have to list each vehicle on the policy. You will need the vehicle identification number for each vehicle. That number will give the insurance company the pertinent information that it needs to discount the vehicle for air bags, anti-lock brakes and other safety features.
  5. Current Coverage – Use your declarations page to list all of the coverage that you currently have on all vehicles. This will include liability limits, first party benefits and physical damage limits.

Car Insurance Policy – What To Know About Car Insurance Before You Shop

The car insurance policy has a lot of legal language that most of us do not begin to understand. The essential parts of the car policy are found in the declarations page that you receive when your policy renews. Car insurers are always competing for each other’s policyholders. Every car insurance company uses actuaries and underwriters to help determine the rates.

Rating Territory – Whether you like it or not, your neighbors and friends in your community help determine the rates in your area. These areas are called rating territories by the insurance companies. If there are high losses and frequency in your area then your rates are going to be higher. The opposite is also true.

Liability Insurance – Liability insurance protects you when you are liable in an automobile accident. This is valuable protection for you because this is the portion of the possible that insures you against the highest risk and financial loss. Liability claims because of death and injury are by far the largest. Don’t cut yourself short in this area.

Physical Damage Insurance – This portion of the car insurance policy pertains to your vehicles. It is a good idea to self-insure in this area by purchasing this coverage with high deductibles. Low deductibles no longer warrant the high premiums for the protection afforded. High deductibles will save you thousands of dollars over the life time of a policy.

Car Insurance Discounts – There a number of discounts in car insurance, Vehicles with air bags, seat belts, anti-lock brakes, and anti-theft devices all have discounts. Senior drivers can receive retirement discounts. Young drivers with driver training education receive discounts. Some companies give good student discounts for the young driver with a 3.0 grade point average.

It’s also important to have certain information available when shopping for car insurance. The vehicle identification number for all vehicles, the driver’s license number for all drivers, and your current insurance information will make your shopping easier.

Car Insurance Pricing Plans

The law requires liability insurance for all drivers and vehicles. This means that if you are involved in a serious accident, and it turns out that it was your fault, your insurance company will pay out any claims that are made against you. Extra coverage on your own vehicle, called comprehensive insurance, is optional.

Insurance companies based on a number of risk factors will calculate the price you pay for this insurance. Basically how it works is the more they feel you are at risk of crashing, and the more they think the resulting crash will cost them, the higher the premium you’ll pay.


Common factors that will be to assess the premium are the value of the car you’re driving, the safety of that vehicle, the coverage you want, will there be deductibles or limits etc.? How much you’ll drive the car, how your driving record stands, how long you've  held your license, your age, and if you are young, also your sex.

The premium is then calculated. Usually there is a flat per car, per year rate that everyone pays, regardless of other factors. The other factors will then alter this rate, generally upwards. So if your car is especially fast or dangerous your rate will be increased by a set amount. If it is very old, your rate goes up. If you’ve had one or more accidents in the past, your rate will go up. If you’re young and male, your rate will go up. The more of these factors you satisfy, the more your rate will be going up.


As a sales enhancement, many car insurers offer a "low estimated future mileage" discount to customers who predict that the car's mileage will be below some stated limit during the next premium period. There is no verification involved and no additional charge if the car is subsequently driven more than the stated amount. This arbitrary discount tends to foster customer belief in the mistaken idea that "miles" are just one of many classification factors used to raise or lower prices from the territorial base rate. In fact, odometer miles (which insurers do not use) are not a factor but a metric - the only valid basis for measuring each car's consumption of insurance protection in on-the-road use.

The best way to save on car insurance is to shop around, keep a good clean driving record, drive safely, and choose reliable cars that are not known for their power and speed.

Car Insurance Quote - Things To Know To Get Very Cheap Car Insurance And Quotes

Auto insurance premiums vary widely from state to state and even within states. The same person may find swings of as much as $700 on the cost of an annual policy. Insurance agents are not legally bound to tell a perspective customer about discounts which may apply to his/her insurance. There are, however, things the consumer can do which may lower the price paid for auto insurance.

Higher deductibles

The single quickest and easiest way to lower your insurance premium is to raise your premium. Having a $1000 or even a $1500 deductible can lower premiums 15 to 20 percent. If you decide to go this route, consider putting the money saved the first year into an account earmarked to pay the deductible should you have any accident.

Investigate auto records

Your driving record may be unblemished but the record of the car model you own can also have an affect on your premiums. Insurance copies compile extensive reports on the way cars respond in accidents and how popular certain cars are with thieves. Cars with poor crash test ratings and cars that are frequently stolen cost more to insure. When buying a new car use an auto buyer’s guide to compare crash test and theft rankings.

Use the same insurance company

If you have more than one vehicle insure all of them with the same company. Almost all insurance companies offer multi-car discounts. Many companies offer further discounts if you use any other products they offer such as homeowners insurance and life insurance. 

Getting many quotes and comparing them is the best way to check pricing, coverage and save money.

And, don’t forget, the best way to lower your car insurance premium is to drive safely.

Please see our recommended sources for insurance quotes from multiple providers. We have done the research so you don't have to.

Car Insurance Quotes Online – Money Saving Tips

Auto insurance is a must for all automobile owners, which repay you in case your automobile is stolen or damaged in an accident. Most people complain about the high prices of auto insurance policy.  Here we offer you some money saving tips with the help of which you can get the best car insurance quotes online as well as best auto insurance policy.

If you are a new car owner or your previous auto insurance policy needs a renewal then it’s time for you to search for a new one. You will be surprised to know that different insurance company offers different premium for the same coverage. Thus, it is in your interest to find a low premium, more coverage best auto insurance policy. Local market search will be not enough, go to the websites of auto insurance companies and request for car insurance quote online.

While requesting for car insurance quote online provide all your details to the auto insurance company such as your name, age, zip code, address, your marital status, car’s annual commuting miles and safety features of your car because as default they will surely offer you high car insurance quote online.

Your credit history matters a lot for auto insurance companies. Reviews of insurance companies have shown a correlation between credit scores and risk to an insurance company. Thus, manage your credit score to a positive level before requesting for a car insurance quote online.

During the request for car insurance quote online keep an eye on discounts provided by auto insurance companies, mainly on their websites. With offered discounts, you can drop your premium.

If you have a life insurance policy or health insurance policy or any other insurance, it is recommended to ask the same insurance company for auto insurance. They will surely provide lower car insurance quote online, as you are their client.

By following all these recommendations, we are sure that you will be able to buy the best auto insurance policy to protect your car, truck or any other vehicle against theft or damage.

Car Insurance Rates – Can You Lower Them?

Car insurance rates are prohibitive nowadays. Many families really struggle to pay the car insurance bill each month. And car insurance rates vary all the time. So if car insurance cost is an issue for you, what can you do about it?

The car insurance industry is a massive industry. It is also a highly competitive one, and car insurance rates vary over time as car insurance companies compete for business. Car insurance rates are often highly fluid.

It is entirely possible to lower the cost of your auto insurance rates by altering your behaviour, and you can do this by having a better understanding of how the rates are assessed.

Car insurance rates are based on an assessment of risk. Whilst insurance companies vary their rates to compete with other insurance companies, they also vary their rates based on their assessment of the risk posed by a particular driver driving a particular car. They do this because there is no point in buying business with low car insurance rates and then insuring high risk drivers at these rates. This is a recipe for losing money.

So, if you lower your risk, you lower your car insurance. How do you 
lower your risk? Well there’s a number of ways that your own driving and car behaviour can affect your car insurance rates.

Have a look at the car you drive. Is it suitable for your current needs? If not then would it be worthwhile to consider a change?

Different cars attract different auto insurance rates. Sports cars, high powered cars and cars at greater risk of theft attract higher rates. How long have you had your car and would it be wise to think about another one that would be cheaper to insure and more useful to you?

Are you a safe driver? Do you stick to the speed limit? Are you at risk of other driving offences? Many people do not think about some of the consequences of speeding tickets and driving offences until after they have seen their subsequent car insurance bill. 

Your risk profile is a direct result of your driving record. A clean driving record and you will be rewarded by cheaper rates. A poor driving record and you will be penalised, usually for quite a while.  

Are you willing to attend driver training courses? Many car insurance companies offer specific discounts for drivers who have attended a course. Why? Lower risk.

Are you willing to drive less? Could you car pool or use public transport to get to work? Car insurance companies look at the amount of driving their clients do when assessing their car insurance rates. Why? Lower risk. Less miles driven equals less risk. And you’ll save on other car costs too.

So if auto insurance costs are an issue for you and your family there are things you can do. These are just a few of those things, there are many more. Car insurance rates are not set in stone.